Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baking Classes for Kids

                                      Baking Camp at the Outback!

Classes are starting Nov. 15th.
November 15 – December 13
Cooking with Neena
at the Outback
71 Main Street  New Canaan, CT 06840

                                        Call  (203) 594-3075

Join Neena in this fun class and learn to Bake something new each week in the Outback kitchen.  
Session : Baking/Desserts                           $390
                             Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:00 pm
                                    November 8 – December 13
                                    Includes cost of food

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cooking Camp changes

SO MANY HAVE ASKED SO HERE IT IS!!! THE FINAL WEEK HAS CHANGED! Its open to grades 4-8. They will be learning knives skills and different cooking techniques. Baking included. Summer Cooking! (Registration Form above) $375 Per session! Please sign up immediately because they fill up fast and we only have 15 spots per session. We will cook and eat like the pro's! knife skills Cooking Class July 23th-26th 9-1pm for 4TH-8TH grade (Knife Skills/Cooking Class)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Classes are filling up!! 
Please tell your friends to register now so they don't miss their spot!

Summer Cooking! (Registration Form above)

$375 Per session!

Some Weeks Only Have 6 spots Left.... Call to reserve your spot.
We will cook and eat like the pro's!
Last Summer it was soooo much fun, hands on, and educational!
Let all your friends and family know so they can join you for a summer of Cooking Fun!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Baby shower Cake, it's a vanilla butter cake with vanilla bean butter cream!! soooo Yummy!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cooking Party!!

Cooking Birthday Party!!
We had such a great time today with a bunch of 8yo girls cooking.
They made Mini lasagna, brownies, cupcakes and
 berry banana smoothies. Happy Birthday Melina!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kids Cooking camp, Fairfiled County, CT

Hi everyone, I am excited to announce that our camp is going well so far!! We do have spots available and would love for your child or children you know that love to cook or learn new things to join us this summer for a cooking frenzy!
We cook our little hearts out and enjoy the fruits of our labor at the end with a full buffet of different foods.
Kids who have come to the camp can't wait to join us again and they go to their parents enjoying all they have learned.
One mom told me that her daughter taught her how to hold a knife properly and how to chop an onion properly and she is only in the 5th grade.
So call us today and reserve your spot before it's gone!

Located: New Canaan Outback Teen Center, 71 Main Street, New Canaan, CT
Phone: 203-347-8225

The dates are:
July 2nd - 5th 9-1pm for 4th - 5Th grade (Brunch Week)
July 9th - 12th 9-1pm for 6th - 8th grade (Brunch Week)
July 16th -19th 9-1pm for 6th- 8th grade (International Foods)
July 23th-26th 9-1pm for 9th-12th grade (Knife Skills/Cooking Class)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cooking Camp

Have your Kids signed up for summer camp yet? It takes place at the Outback Teen Center in New Canaan, CT only $375 per session.
The dates are:
July 2nd - 5th 9-1pm for 4th - 6Th grade (Brunch Week) (off on the 4th)
July 9th - 12th 9-1pm for 6th - 8th grade (Brunch Week)
July 16th -19th 9-1pm for 6th- 8th grade (International Foods)
July 23th-26th 9-1pm for 9th-12th grade(Knife Skills/cooking class)
It's only $375 per session, the kids not only learn tons of cooking techniques, they also enjoy the fruits of their labor!
Please contact The Kiddie Kitchen for your registration forms:
or call; 203-347-8225

Friday, January 13, 2012

Swet 16 Cake tiger stripe cake

Hope you like the cake. It's not completed with all the bells and whistles but I wanted to show you the progress

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Spring Cooking Classes Coming To Stamford!

The Kiddie kitchen is teaming up with Stamford Recreation this spring and offering Fun, Educational and Yummy cooking classes. It's coming in April. Look out for the dates because they will fill up fast!!!!!